About Me

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

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Endings and Beginnings
A beginning and an ending that excited me was the beginning and the ending of a level of my favorite game. The level took place in France during World War 1 when the Germans tried to drape the symbolic city of Verdun in German flags. Its starts in the outskirts of Verdun near Douaumont. The objective is to take the entire area by raising a total of 6 flags on the map without having the enemy team take any of them down. My team rushed in and successfully took the area. We then moved onward to our next objective, fort de Vaux. But this time we were not so lucky, the enemy team barricaded themselves good inside the fort and brutalized our team. And it was not long before our entire team was mowed down and retreating. But shortly after we went at them again. It took awhile, but the team managed to take the fort and ended up with my team victorious. 

Monday, May 1, 2017

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Its Complicated
Something that is complicated is the end of the year. The reason I think the end of the year is complicated is because things just get really hectic and busy. For example, finals at the end of the year get really crazy because I have to study and I stress about how I'm gonna do.

Friday, April 28, 2017

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Should the military be allowed to draft?/Free Post
Should the U.S. continue the draft? Since the Civil war, the U.S. military has been drafting for additional troops. The draft requires all men within the ages of 18-60 to registered for the draft, and if you are chosen, the military can force you to join the Armed Forces and serve in whatever active conflict the U.S. is in. Throughout the years many people have protested the draft, saying that it is unfair and unconstitutional, and there are others who say that the government has the right to force people to defend their country.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Cute Picture
This might help you with PARK testing
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A tribute I would like to make is to my dad. The reason why I would write a tribute to my dad is because is my dad is always there for me. Since I was little my dad has always been there for me and he is my inspiration. My dad is the one who inspires me and continues to support me. He latched me on to my military obsession and continues to inspire me. Whenever my dad came back from deployment from whatever place, he would always bring me back all this cool stuff. For example, when he came back from Saudi Arabia he gave me the fighter pilot helmet he used in combat, that helmet has been sitting on my shelf everyday since then, and it is still one of my most favorite items I own, all because my dad was kind enough to give it to me.

Friday, March 17, 2017

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Three Famous People
If I could spend the afternoon with three people, I would spend with Generals MacArthur, Patton, and Eisenhower. The reason why I would spend the afternoon with these three people is because they are kind of like my heroes. They were high ranking military Generals who faught and served for the U.S. in many wars, mostly known for their service in World War 2.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Favorite Field Trip
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My favorite field trip I ever took was when I was in 3rd grade and we took a trip to San Diego harbor to learn about the ocean. So we basically did things that involved the ocean in any way. For example, we learned about the sea life and how the life changes the deeper the water. For example, we got on a boat and threw a big net of the end. When we pulled it back up there was all kinds of fish trapped in the net. We did this in different areas of water, the sea life changed in different depths of water.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

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Movie Review
One of my favorite movies is Top Gun. This movie is about a school for the top 1% of all fighter pilots in the United States Navy. The main character, Lt. Pete Mitchel or Maverick, has amazing talent in fighter piloting and is very confident. However he is a very large devil may care. He is a little to confident and breaks the rules a lot. Throughout the movie you see how Maverick makes his way through Top Gun and tries to score the highest in his class and become the one of the best fighter pilots in the world.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

My Experience with Music 
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An experience I have with performing music is my trumpet. I started playing 4 years ago when I was in 5th grade. Of course when I first started I was not very good, but I quickly learned all the notes and how to play. Over the years I practiced and played in concerts and became better and better. I still play trumpet and plan to keep playing throughout high school and maybe even my adult years. 

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Special Christmas Gift
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       A special gift that I have got in the past is my PS4. The reason why this gift is so special to me is because this is probably my favorite item in my house. I use it almost everyday and play my favorite video games on it. I will never forget when Christmas finally came after asking for a PS4 for almost a year. I looked under my tree and saw a gift about the right size and was thinking "please by a PS4, please be a PS4..." and of course when I opened it I was overjoyed.

Play Pacman Here!!!