Gratitude List
Im sitting on my couch playing video games, but as the game takes forever to load, but as I'm sitting there bored, I think about what I have to be grateful for.
1. Family, for they are always there, ready to help me with anything.
2. Friends, for they are the ones I spend time and have fun with.
3. My house, there I can feel comfortable, and be myself.
4. The United States, for it gives us an amazing thing called liberty.
5. Our Armed Forces, for they are the ones who protect and preserve our freedom.
6. Aviation, for it inspires me to become a pilot one day.
7. Video games, because if I ever have nothing to do, it will always keep me busy.
8. My health, without it I would not be able to do a lot of things.
9. Baseball, when I play it, I can express my talent.
10. My education, for it will allow me to become someone one day.